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A long delayed thank you and finally, photos!

We cannot say enough about how wonderful a night we had! We are so incredibly overjoyed at the response and the attendance at December 2nd’s Montreal Canadiens Alumni Game. We would like to extend a ton of thank yous for this great event.

Of course, we begin our thanks to the people of Lucan. Writing this as a more recent arrival, there’s something special about this town! We were all blown away to see the turn out last night. Hundreds of smiles! There is no better feeling for us than to see so many happy people.

Our thanks to the Federal Economic Development Agency of Southwestern Ontario for providing us the funding to put on this event.

A major thank you to Kristyn Darling, and the incredible team over at Track21 Graphix in Exeter, ON. They not only printed our event materials, but provided great support, knowledge, and a serious dedication to helping us on this project. We can’t say enough good things about Track21!

Our thanks to the fine folks at Foodland Lucan for donating beverages for the players, staff, and volunteers! The refreshment was sorely needed and Foodland had us covered!

Our thanks to As well as the Donnelly Café for providing pizza to the players, staff, and volunteers.

Our thanks to the Radcliffe Real Estate team, Coachwood Golf & Country Club as well as local restaurants The Thai Pad and The Hub Roadhouse for donating amazing raffle prizes!

Our thanks to R&P Prints for providing our volunteer t-shirts and the beautiful Lucan Irish Six t-shirts (now for sale at the museum!)

Our thanks to Jeleve_67 of eBay and the Cardboard Devil of Cambridge, ON for donating a ton of hockey cards to hand out!

Our thanks to Hotel Allure for housing the Canadiens Alumni during their stay.

Our thanks to the Lucan Irish Six Junior squad and Lucan Minor Hockey, we were elated to have so many green jerseys and so much enthusiasm at the event!

Our thanks to Bob and Sandra Neubauer of the Lucan Irish Six organization for lending us their skills and expertise during the event.

Our endless thanks to Paul Smith and his amazing community centre staff. They continue to provide incredible and vital services to the community, and this night would not have been possible without them.

Our thanks to the Brian Da Silva, Stephane Richer, Richard Sevigny, Mathieu Dandenault, Pierre Dagenais, Gilbert Dionne, Mike Weaver, Oleg Petrov, Norman Dupont, Jesse Belanger, and Chris Nilan for coming, putting in a great couple of games against Lucan teams of various sizes, and being such pleasant and welcoming people. Thanks to Andrew Kosciuw, Corey Blair, and Zach Weston for joining the Habs and looking quite good in the Tricolore! Thanks as well to Bob Suzuki, father of London’s own Ryan and Nick Suzuki for assisting Coach Chris Nilan!

We owe huge thanks to Lucan captain Alan Gates for his assistance in assembling a great team that put up a phenomenal effort against the Canadiens. So, our thanks to Joe Dobbie, Matt Blane, James Chalmers, Dan Crowley, Tyson DeJong, Bob Grant, Gord Hardy, Chris Haskett, Jason Heywood, Jeff Hirtzel, Tom Hodgins, Randy Kraul, Mike Noyes, Chris Pellizzari, Scott Phillips, Randy Regier, Dave Revington, Chuck Robertson, and Bill Scheuermann.

Our thanks to Rod Adamthwaite and Lucan Minor Hockey for providing us with a group of hard battling players to take on the Canadiens during the first intermission! Thanks as well to the team: Chole Drennan, Emerie Corby, Henry Kahnert, Henry Van Dinther, Jack Kahnert, Jackson Griffiths, Jocelyn Dobbie, Makenna Kosciuw, Mason Fisher, Owen Adamthwaite, Owen Smith, Owen Van Engelen, Paxton Baron, Sophie Sparling, and lone goal scorer in the game Mackenzie Crowley!

Of course, we must thank Harry Hardy, Vic Neil, and the original 1952 Lucan Irish Six, and the folks who stood in for them! It was a powerful opening ceremony.

Our thanks to the Lucan Lions for tending bar, and the grade eights of St. Patrick’s Catholic Elementary School for keeping the fans fed all night!

Our thanks to Elizabeth French-Gibson of the Huron County Museum in Goderich, along with Pat Rowe and Nancy Robinson of the St. Joseph Museum and Archives in Zurich for providing such great displays on some fascinating local hockey heritage!

My thanks to Izak Westgate of the Hockey Hall of Fame for putting together such an amazing collection of artifacts, with Mario Della Savia and Howie Borrow for bringing out and putting together such an exceptional exhibit.

Thanks to Peter Delisle of Top Shot, the Interactive Hockey Experience for bringing out a great collection of games. I heard those pucks blasting past the radar gun all night, so I think it’s safe to say everyone enjoyed their time!

Our thanks to Coach Scott Galbraith for assembling a crack squad of hockey players in Barryn, Billy, Colby, Colin, Connor, Dexter, Graham, Grant, Grayson, Jacob, Jake, and John to help us out!

Our thanks to Hannah, Autumn, Nolan, and Emily for their dedication and efforts!

Our thanks to the Lucan Area Heritage and Donnelly Museum summer staff Alexa, Caitlyn, Dryden, and Jax for jumping once more unto the breach with us!

My endless thanks to the Lucan and Area Heritage Society volunteers and staff, and our friends and family who came in to help! We missed all our members who couldn’t attend. The Lucan and Area Heritage Society is small, but mighty! I will never cease to be blown away by what they accomplish through sheer force of will, hard work, and dedication!

None of this would have been possible without the dedication of all of these workers.



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